AV Architects

Your Ultimate Destination for Custom AV Lecterns

Welcome AV Architects!

If you’re seeking customized audio-visual and multimedia lecterns for your clients, you’ve come to the right place.

At Podion, we understand the pivotal role that AV Architects play in creating seamless, functional, and aesthetically pleasing audio-visual environments.

Our high-quality AV lecterns are designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern AV systems, offering unparalleled integration, customization, and performance.

Why Choose Podion AV Lecterns?

Seamless Integration with Advanced AV Systems

Our lecterns are engineered for flawless integration with a variety of AV equipment, ensuring your designs work harmoniously with the latest technologies.

Featuring comprehensive connectivity options such as HDMI, USB-C, Ethernet, and multiple audio inputs/outputs, our lecterns make it easier for you to create cohesive and efficient AV setups.

Customization to Match Your Vision

Every project you undertake is unique, and our lecterns reflect that.

We offer extensive customization options, allowing you to choose from a wide range of finishes, colors, and materials that align with your design aesthetics.

Enhance your projects with custom logos and digital signage, ensuring a consistent and professional look across all installations.

Ergonomic and Accessible Design

User experience is at the heart of our lectern design.

Our products feature adjustable height settings, intuitive controls, and accessible layouts, making them easy and comfortable to use for all presenters, including those with disabilities.

This attention to detail helps you deliver inclusive and user-friendly environments.

Robust Construction for Longevity

Constructed from high-quality materials such as steel, aluminum, and durable MDF, our lecterns are built to withstand the demands of busy environments.

With heavy-duty, lockable castor wheels, our lecterns offer both mobility and stability, enabling you to adapt to different room configurations with ease.

Cutting-Edge Features

Equip your AV spaces with the latest technologies integrated into our lecterns, including built-in sound systems, wireless charging pads, and smart control panels.

These advanced features ensure your projects are future-proof, delivering top-tier functionality and performance for every presentation scenario.

Expertise and Support You Can Trust

At Podion, we prioritize building strong relationships with AV Architects. We take the time to understand your unique needs, challenges, and design preferences, ensuring our lecterns seamlessly integrate into your projects.

By choosing Podion as your AV solutions manufacturer, you are partnering with a company with over thirty years of experience delivering high-quality audio-visual solutions to the corporate, education, and government sectors.

Ready to Elevate Your AV Setup?

Explore our full range of customizable AV lecterns and discover how Podion Global can enhance your next project. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and receive a personalized quote.